Even though dine in isn’t available right now due the COVID-19 Pandemic, many restaurants in Forest Lake are now offering curbside, takeout and food delivery services. Our digital restaurant guide contains information on what is happening in the local restaurant community. [CLICK HERE]
Many retail and other service providers are currently offering special accommodations for customers during the COVID-19 pandemic. This page contains a list of local retail and service providers who are currently offering their services. [CLICK HERE]
We can all use some extra help every now and again. If you are looking for a list of local resources including food shelves, local nonprofits, and area churches, click on the help resources link. [CLICK HERE]
Thank you for visiting the Digital Downtown page of the Invest in Forest Lake website. This website platform is intended to support local businesses and non-profits and provide them with an opportunity to expand their online presence during the Covid-19 pandemic. The City does not endorse, control, or approve the content in the integrated Facebook Feeds. The City does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information available through the third-party Facebook Feeds and related links. This website platform has been created by the City as a voluntary, temporary response to the Covid-19 crisis. The City reserves the right to shut down the website at any time without notice.